21 July 2010

Serdang hospital, day 2 n 3rd day


yesterday i attached with Dr Ho..a nice femali Dr.
she taught me couple of new things...
also did lots of things, again i did the red reflex, light test and
test for RAPD..

she showed me to use the funduscope and the slip lamp...
amazing thing to finally to it by my self..
a lot of chit chat troughout the day...
anyway, at the end of the day, i got to further improve my skills..
a useful skill i learnt is, ...knowing how to deal with young patients...
like school aged children and under-5 years old child.
seriously we need to have those skills..macam cakap lemah lembut..
bagi sweets ke to make them cooperative...
also you need to talk to them in a very childish way...i don't know if male Dr do the same..cause i've only attached with female Dr's...
but never, hope to acquire the skills later on..

that say, pukul 3 dah mintak Dr nak balik...sebab rasa kepenatan even though duduk dlm clinik ber-air-cond. je.
so that was the 2nd day

3rd day..
again in the same clinic, this time i was with Dr Mazaya.
some Q&A today...
M/O tu kate ade exam dalam masa terdekat ni..untuk smbung buat masters..
the same routine today...screening patients and seeing new cases..
the new thing for today...Dr Mazaya showed me how to use the ophthalmoscope to see the fundus..yeah i did see the optic disc..but it wasn't that clear...
i did it only once though..maybe i could do it again some next time..

another Dr I attached to day was a ophthalmologist consultant..
Dr Rozita...she's a very2 nice doctor...
like professor's back in the university, she asked me lots of questions...
primarily about Diabetic retinopathy and the optic nerve pathway..
well I answered the questions..but not that well..
ye la..sape suruh tk study...ingat tak ingat je jawab...
but she said my answers was OK...so she gave me a homework..

"balik baca pasal Diabetic retinopathy and visual pathway ye, nanti saya nak tanya"

..gulp..so..balik kena bukak buku ophthal and prepare .. macam ready untuk exam tu..
but, i think Dr takkan nk marah kot. bukannye periksa ke ape..

ahaa..today i got to see the pan photocoagulation prosedure for a case of diabetic retinopathy patient...new wxperience!!..so happy...
then after, we had a nice chat dfor a while..exchange experiences...
Dr Rozita siap suruh jadi ophthalmologist lagi, die kate sebab sangat kurang lelaki yang amik specialist ophthal..hurmmm, i'll think about that

quote from her..
'the eye is the window to the brain'..

u can also see the naked vessels from the eye...thus could give a picture to what ever diseases happening elsewhere in the body...

okay2..tu saja mau cerita..
mau tdo..wslm


  1. "eye is the window to the soul"
    ...and the soul of RD patient appears to be swollen, bloody and detached.

    cool la eckm. cheers.

  2. waaa, adam, terer ar ko buat kata-kata..

    adam lee's kata2 hikmah...

  3. macam penah dengar quote tu. tapi di manakah?
