29 May 2010

"Cinta Islamik???" (copied and pasted)

Posted: Friday 28 May 2010 - 3 comment(s) [ Comment ] - 0 trackback(s) [ Trackback ]
Category: copied n pasted..=)

menyalin satu sketsa dari Abu Muawiyah:

"pukul 12am;
A: ukhti,nanti kejutkan ana
untuk qiam malam ni..
...B: akhi,insyaALLAH..

pukul 4am;
B: akhi,dah
bangun ke?
A: alhamdulillah baru je bangun. Btw,jazakillah kerana
membantu ana..
B: afwan, ok doakan ana sekali ye. SALAM MUJAHADAH!!

p/s: tiada
kena mengena dengan sesiapa,renung-renungkan pro-contra nya.. "

Antara respon dari sahabat2..^_^

Abu Umar Ahmad Syarief: Hubungan yang terjalin di atas wadah yang salah, akan tetap menyimpang.
Lebih bahaya, apabila berlaku belitan Iblis. Menyangka ianya Islamik padahal mereka sebenarnya hampir masuk ke zon terlarang.

Ummu Zayd Lyn Mahfuz: “Wahai para pemuda! Barangsiapa di antara engkau sudah mampu (lahir dan batin untuk menikah), maka segeralah menikah, karena menikah itu menjaga penglihatan dan kemaluan. Dan barangsiapa yang belum mampu untuk itu, maka hendaklah dia berpuasa, karena puasa itu menjadi penahan nafsu (atau dapat menjaga dirinya).” Shahih Bukhari,no4.

Maisarah Nuruljannah Mat Isa:"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina,sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan jalan yang buruk." (al-Isra: 32)

komen saya:cinta islamik hanya berlaku selepas pernikahan,sekalipun semasa pertunangan,pergaulan antara keduanya perlu dijaga,kerana pertunangan hanyalah sebuah perjanjian untuk bernikah,kita sedia maklum,sebuah percintaan yang terbina antara lelaki dan wanita tanpa ikatan yang sah adalah haram,kerana ianya menghampiri kepada zina,termasuklah zina mata,zina hati,dan segala anggota yg terlibat. Namun lahirnya cinta dihati adalah fitrah manusia,tapi untuk menzahirkan rasa cinta secara haram bukanlah satu fitrah,tapi menyimpang kepadanya,andai sudah bersedia untuk berumahtangga,bernikahlah,andai belum mampu,usahalah untuk mengajar hati dan nafsu untuk bersabar dengan berpuasa.kebahagiaan rumah tangga hanya diperoleh dengan adanya keberkatan,maka untuk ada keberkatan,ianya perlulah bermula dengan cara yang halal.perkahwinan yang terbina secara maksiat,hanya mampu melahirkan keluarga yang bergelumang dengan maksiat,wal i'yadzubillah,sama-samalah kita beringat,beramal dan memperbaiki amalan.insyaAllah..^_^

28 May 2010

Jealousy and its Cures


its been a while since i've written anything here..
some news..
-horray~~!!!the academic session (all the lectures and clinical examinations) dah habis..
dah nak habis dah taun 4 ni ek, kejap je rase
-so its the study lift period now--till the final exams...12 June..15 days to go...
so nothin' much to do except study, study and study sampai muntah.. preparing~~ for the real challenge..ceh, relek2 sudeh (says copuk) :p
Dr Hatem said, "I believe in hard work!", but it doesn't mean that you have to study around the clock, mcm orang kate instead of study hard ..'study smart'..:))

anyway, tadi khutbah jumaat pasal dengki, kalau rajin bace la tazkirah ni,
its in english...if you have time, try to read about it

27 May 2010


an organisation that follow the Palestian-Israeli conflict, 'JustVision' investigates about how the minorities of each side Palestine and Israel fight for restoring calm in the both countries...
the film isn't finished yet, but here's the trailer: enjoy

20 May 2010

memori lalu...


pagi ni teringat nak belek2 gambar yang ada dalam computer
pagi ni tgh belek2 computer,
sekali terjumpa la ganbar2 ni..
agaknye korang la yang paling banyak memori pasal ni.. sbb aku masih tak dsedar lagi.. :)
gambar2 ni dari kamera Ehmad kot..

have a look..
isk2..mak aku dtg mesir rupenye~~

mak aman pun dtg jugak..

waa..kena masuk nasogastric tube siap~~

aman dtg melawat..

ikmal jadi cikgu aman utk prepare oral exam...

sekian, gambar tk byk la..byk dkt camera korang kot...

16 May 2010

Granny Smith

hey u know what..
I just found this apple, my favorite apple long time ago...
back when I was in UK...
Granny Smith
amazingly somehow I could remember such memories..
anyway, I really like this apple,
its a bit sour yet crunchy yummy!

the bad thing, damn it costs 16 egyptian pounds per kilo here!! expensive maaa~
anyhow, I just bought 2 apples to taste and bring back memories..
why not try them..go ahead~

11 May 2010

one whole year!

10th of June is fast approaching...

07 May 2010

Imam Nawawi's forty hadith


just wanna share this great site discussiNG about the forty hadith's collected by Imam Nawawi.
so what are these forty hadith's? well from my personal understanding, they are the some forty hadith's collected by Imam Nawawi that discuss the fundamental aspects and value's of life or basically how to behave and act like a good human being.

If you understand some these hadiths, then try to implement them in your life. It will be a miracle that you'll realize some of the bad habits you have will go away. Practice the hadith everyday and try to tell others about the hadiths you know. Insya Allah, Allah will grant you big rewards.

You may seem that doing so is like kinda waste of time, but you will realize and notice all the good deeds you have done in life, in the here after life (akhirat). Remember, your not going to live forever in this so called "lovely world". No matter how successful you are in what you do, you'll just eventually die. So, take time to think about this matter and how prepared are you to face god. OK enough for me to babble

By the way, wou'll have good and simple explanation about the hadiths in the following website. enjoy~

05 May 2010

updates till 5 May


its been a while...
so updates about me...
- i'll say i'm 99% recovered from the accident
- its the last subject in the 4th year - ophthalmology
- its 38 days remaining till the final exam!!!
- application for elective posting at Serdang Hospital still pending
- family and cousins just can't really wait to see me again especially my mom and dad
- passport application from Malaysia seems to come in a halt, still waiting
that's all about me..

updates from my brothers and sisters..
- Shafiq in the U.S. is also returning back to Malaysia this July for the first time ever.
- Maisarah in UniKL almost finished her preparatory semester and going to fly to Australia next year.
- Anisah, she's doing fine in her first year in secondary school, SMK Jalan Tiga, BBB.
- Ehsan, 6 years old, he can read quite well now and going to primary school next year.

for those waiting to see me in Malaysia, my flight home will be 11 July, maybe arriving malaysia 12 July, see you guys then.
by the way, remember to pray for my success in the final exams..
kne study nih~~!!! tk leh memain lagik dah. Ok la, wassalam

01 May 2010


Labour Day or Labor Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world that resulted from the labour union movement, to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. The majority of countries celebrate Labour Day on May 1, and it is popularly known as May Day and International Workers' Day, while some celebrate on the first Monday of September.

The celebration of Labour Day has its origins in the Eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.

source: wikipedia